人の手作業による定性的な解析に止まりがちだった都市の「形態」を、Deep Learningを用いて解析、分類しようとする試みです
Study of urban form is an important area of research in urban planning/design that contributes to our understanding of how cities function and evolve. However, classical approaches are based on very limited observations and inconsistent methods. As an alternative, availability of massive urban data collections such as Open Street Map from the one hand and the recent advancements in machine learning methods such as deep learning techniques on the other have opened up new possibilities to automatically investigate urban forms at the global scale. In this work for the first time, by collecting a large data set of street networks in more than one million cities, towns and villages all over the world, we trained a deep convolutional auto-encoder, that automatically learns the hierarchical structures of urban forms and represents them via dense and comparable vectors. We showed how the learned urban vectors could be used for different investigations. Using the learned urban vectors, one is able to easily find and compare similar urban forms all over the world, considering their overall spatial structure and other factors such as orientation, graphical structure, and density and partial deformations. Further cluster analysis reveals the distribution of the main patterns of urban forms all over the planet. Introduction
世界中に100万以上ある都市や町、村。それぞれがどのような「かたち」をとっているのかを知ることは、人類の文明の歴史を深く理解したり、今後の都市計画を進めるうえで非常に重要です。これまでは人の手作業による定性的な解析に止まりがちだった都市の「形態」を、Deep Learningを用いて解析、分類しようとする試みです。


データセットにある全ての都市に対して、この特徴ベクトルを算出し、それらを一次元のSOM(Self Organizing Map)によってクラスタリングすることで、シンプルな形状の村から複雑なメガロポリスまで、順に並べることが可能になりました。

Further Thoughts